
The Meta Programmer

At the meta programming we offer a different kind of course. Normally you would sit in a room listen to somebody talk and maybe do some tasks which will give you an introduction to the thing that they are teaching you. Because we believe that what we teach is valuable we have started a course called a bootstrapper. This course is aimed specifically at leaving you with a tool that you can use afterwards. Due to this way of teaching we apply a concept called mob programming. In this form the whole group focuses on the problem at hand and the knowledge is shared through talk and communication. The best way to experience this course is to participate with a whole scrum team focused on the topic. This changes the attitude of the participants from passive to active. Instead of just going through all the assignments as quick as possible you try to evolve as a team and learn the task at hand.

SRE bootstrap

With this course we focus mainly on building a basis for a Platform that you and your team can use. The idea behind it is that the Platform you will be building can be used as a product and can be deployed purely by CI/CD. Through the practice of GitOps you will gain an auditable platform where you will always know what is running. Git will be your source of truth and the history will be your audit log. We will supply the tools and knowledge to evolve the platform into something that you can later on use. Instead of walking away with only knowledge your team will walk away with a working piece of software that you can start applying in real life.

Depending on the level of knowledge we will teach you how to use Terraform in a proper way so it’s easier to reuse and make it work with CI/CD. We will go into detail into Kubernetes and show what is important to know and monitor. Lastly we will show you a Platform design that is reusable for multiple purposes. Help you make it fully automated and observable so you can survive day 2 of running a platform on Kubernetes.

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